Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Growing Old is not for the Faint Hearted
I just got home from the hospital. Grandma Powell was taken to the ER, they suspect infection and slight pneumonia. She seems to be ok, they will admit her tonight and look for any problems. I watched Grandpa and his worry and love for Grandma, I realized it is so true...growing old is not for sissys. They both do the best they can for each other, and where they have been so independent they now must rely on others which is hard for them. The same with Grandma and Grandpa Anderson, his eye surgery went ok, but now he is totally dependent on Grandma and she is doing the best she can but it is very difficult to handle it all. So I have come to the conclusion that the toughest among us are the old ones who get up everyday and face the health challenges, face the long hours of the day with minimal physical strength when they had been active all their lives, and just face life in general and keep pushing on. This is not unlike the pioneers pushing handcarts all day for months on end, they just got up and kept going. I admire that and hope we all think about the "old ones" and the courage they show.

1 comment:

Cheramie said...

i couldn't agree more. this is my first time ever being in the hospital for something other than a delivery. it's no fun! i can't imagine having to do this regularly.