Sunday, April 5, 2009

What A Conference!
It was great to go to Angies and watch on the superscreen. I heard a lot about temples and the covenants we make to get there and be there. Good food and good company hearing the word, it can't get much better than that.
We have split two wards to make three last week. So after the last session we had some calls to make and new bishopric to train.
Mom is in Arkansas with Cherm and Shawn and Anderson (of course) the triplets and Cherm seen to be getting along ok. Though Cherm is now on a month or so of bed rest to keep them from coming too soon.
Mike and Anne just had their third, we are worring that this baby may not get a name. They seem to be having a hard time coming up with a proper monicle. He was induced early because of just very big kid syndrome. Still over 9 pounds and 22.5 inches long. Another BYU linebacker.
Life is good!

1 comment:

Devan and Robyn said...

Lowell, It's nice to see you back on the blog!! Conference was great. I especially loved when the Tabernacle choir sang "We Thank Thee Oh God For a Prophet", and showed pictures of Pres. Monson out doing his work. Wish we were there to feed you meals and have you over for FHE while Mutsi is gone...but it sounds like you are in good hands with Angie and Ernie, and Jeff and Britt.